products made by young creatives, for young creatives

Our team

Zakia Mohammed / Founder and CEO

A young girl that sees the world through her dreams and goals, a visual artist and a mental health advocate. She wants to empower young creatives to create a change. She, herself is a world-changer. 

"the universe has a plan"

You can find her here

Fatma Al Harthi / Co-Founder:

A dreamer, writer & lover. i come from pink daydreams and rose colored sunsets. A writer that paints the world in bright colors even when it’s dull. she loves looking at art, she loves painting a little, she read a lot and she describes herself as a bookworm.

you can find her here

Amna Al Neyadi / Creative director:

Amna is a person who likes to be busy almost all the time. She loves to immerse herself in music, art and books. She enjoys the little things that people barely pay attention to and she is more drawn and inspired by the kindness around her. She is willing and hoping to spread the word in her community as well as around the world.

you can find her here

Buthaina Al Mulla / Managing Director:

Art, music, and books are things that Buthaina can’t live without. She spends her time exploring new mediums in art as well as practicing different styles and techniques. She also enjoys meeting new people and bonding with them in hopes of spreading happiness. Whenever she faces any obstacle, the first phrase that comes to her mind is “La’alahu khair” which means “It may be a blessing in disguise”.

you can find her here

Shamma Al Breiki / Content creator & art director:

shamma is a creatively driven individual; inspired by the little things around her. She loves reading classic works of literature and watching documentaries on social issues, but she is most passionate about travel, human rights and activism.